Tuesday, February 5, 2013

An EPIC Breakfast Experience

Thank you to everyone who came out to this mornings Parents Appreciating Parents Breakfast!  It was a smashing success.  Families joined with other families to share in a heartwarming meal in the heart of our school community.

Thank you to Eastwood for providing such a wonderful environment for our event.  The warm community atmosphere surrounding the Eagle's Nest this morning was filled with Teachers and Students starting their day in their open concept learning environments. I, for one, really felt as though I got a true experience of what life at Eastwood feels like for our children.  It's thanks to everyone there that this is so.

Thank you, of course, to our EPIC leaders for all their hard work in putting event together.  Without you, this event just would not be possible.  

I encourage everyone who came out this morning to continue to come out to our community reads, our spirit assemblies, our EPIC meetings and other events.  Life at Eastwood just isn't EPIC without you :)


See you there!